Q&A: 1 year anniversary gifts?

Question by MissE: 1 year anniversary gifts?
Mine and my boyfriends one year is coming up. I’m getting him a book of the story if how we met. I want to get him something else too though, but i don’t have a lot of money. I wanted to get him a pillow case and get me a matching one. Like this: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=couples+pillow+cases&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=NlX&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&resnum=3&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=687&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=15033985526904641174&sa=X&ei=Ij9ST-vUGIiKsQKq9OnvBQ&ved=0CGYQ8gIwAA

But that is kind of out of my price range because I still need money to pay for the book and to go visit him because were in a long distance relationship.

So far I’ve got him the following things: A scrapbook of all our love, movies, a promise ring with our names and song lyrics engraved in it (he loves it and wears it everyday) A web camera so we can video chat, clothes, cologne, a blanket, and just little things.

Our first date was a concert to our favorite band, that was also the first time we met in person, so I was thinking maybe getting him something unique to go along with that but he has all the CD’s already and shirts, and posters.

Thanks, anything is helpful :)

Best answer:

Answer by hankredwons
tell him you love him ,cuddle him .

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One Comment/Review

  • Softtouchmale says:

    Kid, the greatest gifts you and he can give each other is your love, your hearts and time.

    All the other things are kind things, but the most meaningful things in life are the ones that matter.

    Being together is especially important, because though you may not realize it now, time and physical companionship are important in life. The reminders are there of course, but being held, talking together, and being together is precious.

    So enjoy your time together, and try and keep that love alive. I hope for your sakes, that at some point you will be together every day, not just once in awhile.

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