How can i prove to my girlfriend that im a passionate person?
Question by : How can i prove to my girlfriend that im a passionate person?
Last night my girlfriend said to me that im not passionate about anything, that i have no morales or values or beliefs. She said that she wants me to be passionate and independent about things. She says that she wants me to not rely on people also. I am meeting her tomorrow to talk things over and i would really appreciate it if anybody had any tips on how i could prove tomorrow when we meet and talk that i can be independent and passionate.
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Answer by Summer
Bring her flowers.. Although she shouldn’t expect such perfection from someone or else she’ll never be happy.
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I think your girlfriend is looking for someone else in you. Meaning, she has it in her mind what she wants in another person and wants you to match her expectations. Unfortunately, you can’t be someone you’re not. Everyone has something they are passionate about to some degree or another. Your passions just don’t seem to register on her radar. You need to just be you and do and be whats best for you not her. It’s your girlfriend that has to decide if she can except you for you or not because you can’t change for someone else.
You can’t do something like this overnight.
If she really says you’ve no morals, values, or beliefs, she’s going to break off with you (hopefully). You don’t get things like that overnight, you have them (or don’t) over a lifetime of doing the right things.
You can’t be what you’re not. For you to “get” those things, you’ll have to spend a lot of time BECOMING those things.
You’re not there. But you can get there. It takes a lot of time and a lot better choices in life than you’ve made so far. You can ask her for the specifics on that.
You can’t prove being a passionate person in a day. It needs to be proved in a situation that calls for you to be passionate about something.
Well, listen to what you wrote:
1. You are not passionate about anything. What does that mean? That means everything that you pursue: her, a hobby, or your work, you don’t put enough effort/ passion. How do you solve this? HER: be more passionate about her. Tell her that you will change. Ask her what she means by “Not passionate about anything”. If what she means is the same as what I mean, then, tell her:”Okay I will be more passionate, and I have already a plan for that”. How to be more passionate about her? Make presents, instead of buying presents. Making a present is more powerful than buying one. For example: make a CD, with the best songs in the world (from Itunes or FYE). In the CD book, write about her characters. How? Find out about her Chinese Horoscope and her characters from her date of birth. Find out about her number and characteristics from her name and date of birth, from Numerology. It’s easy: from the internet. Write the summary on the CD book, printed in color. Plus write about prayers, and wishes for her. Thank her for making you a better person (write all of these on the CD book). From doing this, you are actually making yourself more passionate about her, about your new hobby (making a CD, finding qualities about her, giving her self-esteem, praising her, finding her qualities, giving her strength, learning Astrology, Chinese Horoscope), and automatically about your job.
2. That you have no morals or values? One way to be more mature and to win her heart is by accepting what she said about you:”Yes, you are absolutely right. I need to be more passionate”. Actually, what she did is actually a good, mature, and constructive thing. The whole idea of a relationship: to complement each other to become more mature, more unselfish, wiser, more loving, more passionate, so both of you become happier and more complete. Un-passionate people have the tendency to rely on other people, instead of relying (being independent) on yourself, or on your strong beliefs/ values. Be original. “Be the flame, not the moth”-Casanova. Always be the light, the one that radiates, not the one that absorbs. “If you want to be loved, then you have to be worth loving”-Casanova. If you want to receive great love, then you have to show that you are capable of giving great love. You cannot wait till the woman does that to you first. If you pour out love in generous measure, you will be loved in return, if not by people, then by God (the quality is ten times more than the love you have given to people).
3. The other meaning of “being Independent”: you need to be a True Leader. When she says that you rely on her, it might mean that you are always a Follower. Relationship/ Life is like dancing. You as a True Leader need to know both your and her steps, while she (the Follower) needs only to know her steps, for both of u to enjoy a particular/ beautiful/ passionate dance.
4. Values? Well there are so many values out there. You need to have direction. Otherwise it will take a long time till you realize what you want. Let me give you some direction. This is the kind of value you want to concentrate on: True Love, the greatest of all, a perfect concept that brings people to the highest happiness and the most completeness as human beings, the concept that covers all aspects of life, all values, all morals, all the ultimate meaning of “True Happiness, True Relationship, True Passion, True Marriage, True Parenting, True Purpose of Life, True Leadership, True Faith, Kingdom of Heaven etc”. You might think that you understand the concept of True Love, but my guess is that you don’t. Most people in the world claim that they understand it, but they don’t. The proof? The divorce rate in America is more than 50%.
Tomorrow, email me, if you wish. after the meeting, and tell me what’s going on. God bless you and all your family.