How is a guy supposed to show interest through eye contact when women always look another direction?

Question by Big Knuckles: How is a guy supposed to show interest through eye contact when women always look another direction?
Dating tips on YouTube always say that a guy are supposed to initiate eye contact, but how is this possible when you women always try to look another direction?

Best answer:

Answer by Pure Logic
If they look down and then away it’s a good thing, if they just look away, they aren’t interested. Also, look for a smile, thats a good thing too.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

13 Comments/Reviews

  • alwaysannoyed says:

    well if they look the other direction..they arent interested..when they are they look back…

  • 2kanman says:

    first off, why are you getting dating tips from youtube?

    second, if she keeps looking away then SHE’S NOT INTERESTED

  • Ted says:

    Its a test they look away then look back again to see if your still looking etc

    When your talking to her then maintain eye contact … casually! Dont stare her out or make it seem unnatural!

  • Mickey Mouse Spears says:

    It’s not possible. Well, actually, I take that back… you could get in her face, use a mirror, or you can take it as a clue and move on.

  • Stay_Frosty says:

    It could be that they are shy. Look at the direction that her feet are pointed in. If she is looking away but her feet are pointed towards you it means shes interested. If there’s not eye contact and no feet pointing, shes not interested.

  • Sava says:

    huni she is shy and nervous and probably not good at the whole eye contact thing

  • ? Mark says:

    The best thing to do in that case is go up to her and start talking. That way you can gauge how well this girl likes. Plus, if you stare a lot, it looks creepy.

    Answer mine?

  • jazmiin..♥ says:

    Keep looking at her.
    She’ll turn around to see you at some point.
    Trust me, if I feel that someone is looking at me,
    I will turn around.
    If the girl doesn’t….she’s not interested.

  • Jessie Geronimo says:

    Maybe you’re looking at the wrong ones

  • Josh Tseng says:

    I’m trying to find out too. Here’s something that I find is kinda helpful- gives me hope. When she at least glances at you every 10min to 30 min, she prbbly likes ya. That is how I deduced that my friend and a girl next to him would be a perfect match.

  • Vince B says:

    You will be able to tell by their expressions.

    Looking away with no look back = bad

    Looking away with a glance back = good

    Looking away with a smile = better

    Looking away then back with smile = even better

    Not looking away with a big smile = Best

    Not looking away with no smile = Run fast

  • Rebecca says:

    lol, but how you know if she’s interested, she will keep looking back, and she might bite her lip and kinda smile when she looks away, but if she never looks back, forget it, she’s not into you, if she keeps looking, or does a double take with a smile, don’t be afraid to initiate conversation, most likely, she’s waiting to see if ur really interested in her and the best way to show that is to approach her. don’t come on too strong tho, and don’t uses stupid pick up lines unless they are funny and will make her laugh. well no, i retract that, don’t use a stupid pick up line at all… lol, just introduce urself, you’ll know if she’s really interested if she introduces herself. good luck on getting ur girl

  • GoldManMoney says:

    Perhaps she thinks you are boring, hence, the reason why she does not look at you!

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