What should I expect as an American woman dating a German man?
Question by MissSunshine: What should I expect as an American woman dating a German man?
I am 27 and my new boyfriend is 35. He is from Germany and here for work. I am not familiar with German customs and if there are any differences in the “rules of dating”. I know it depends on the people in the relationship but any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!!
Best answer:
Answer by Just Mike
Just treat him like you would any other guy who is special in your life.
What do you think? Answer below!
expect that when his work is done here, so are you
Expect to hear ” Oh JAH” a lot. A Whole Lot.
great sex. great german sex.
sorry i just had to point that out, they can be quite the sweet talkers and amazing in bed.
You should not except any thing different.
Be yourself. Obviously he likes you enough to date you from afar. But be a lady, too. Germans aren’t uncouth as Americans can be.
I am also dating a man from Germany, nothing seems to be different so far and we’ve been dating (and having great German sex lol) for about 3 months now.
Famous for no sense of humour and desire to eat vast amounts of sausages and cabbage, washed down with large mugs of beer whilst wearing shorts, braces and a silly hat as far as I know. also an urge to wear silly little glasses and design very efficient cars. hope I’m not stereotyping at all !!!
seriously get over urself, im so sick of people making different cultures and different countries a big deal, u know what if this type of SMALL!! problems get to u, then start looking for someone that u love that much that u dnt care where they came from
“rules of dating” wtf….oofft!!!!
Honestly, it all depends on where you are living at. If you are in the US and the guy moved here, i think he is most likely going to adjust to the american way of life, because most chose to live here (unless they were forced to transfer).
If you are in Germany, you will find that German guys have a lot of social life (at least that is what I found growing up). They love to have fun and go out and party. Most are not circumcised like in the US. As for the sex. I think there are good and bad ones in every country.
There are some rules of conduct around the family. Respect is a big thing, esp when it comes to his family.
Forgot to add: German men like women who do cook.