Q&A: How can a geek find love?
Question by Daniel W: How can a geek find love?
I have been searching everywhere Geeks hang out to find a girlfriend. I went to a few free dating websites, but had no luck what-so-ever. Is there any other geek hang out spots besides the internet and Fry’s? I live in central California if anyone knows of a cool Geek spot please let me know.
Best answer:
Answer by Nicole
1: Don’t get an online relationship or anything. They are terrible!!
2: Geeks are awesome!! :O
3: There are plenty of girls out their who like your type, you just have to look around carefully and you’ll soon find a nice girl 😀 Trust me, you will.
To Ashely M: Hell yeah! You said all the things I would have typed, but I hard to keep my eyes open and type, so I had to make mine like this :p! I really liked what you had to say to him, nice! (Aw…now I am hyper…)
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1. Why are you a geek? And why do you have to date a geek? I find myself geeky but not a geek. I love video games and all but I still don’t think i’m a “geek”. Also some normal non geeky girls think geeks are hot, so maybe you shouldn’t look just at geeky places. Look all over. 2. Put yourself out there, and trust me online is not a place to look (i’ve tried that stuff, it’s not worth it). 3. You have to build confidence, you’ll never find someone if you can’t believe you can find someone. 4. You don’t have to change you, but you should put your best face foward. Meaning snazz it up! Show it off! Put on a suit! Crap wear a freaking Mario tshirt and a great pair of jeans and sunglasses and just look cool. Maybe your a geek, but that’s not a bad thing whatsoever, and you will find someone. It’s not all looks, most is personality. I’d rather date a geek with brains then washboard abs with no thoughts or words to say. 5. TREAT THE GIRLS WITH RESPECT and then they’ll respect you!
As of my current situation I am totally in love with a geek lol he’s so great.