Q&A: what happen if you buy 2 things online on the same date and the first came and the second did not?
Question by dwilliams26@rocketmail.com: what happen if you buy 2 things online on the same date and the first came and the second did not?
i bought 2 video games online on december 12,2009 . i bought the first video game on amazon and i bought this other game from this other site calle hot movie deals or something. the first video game came on the 16th and the seconed didn’t come today and i went to america express to check my balance on my gift card .
Best answer:
Answer by Mystery Man
Your first requirement is to attempt to resolve the missing item with the merchant. Contact them by email and/or phone. Emails is best because you have a written record to show the bank that you made a good-faith attempt to resolve this directly with the merchant.
If the merchant insists that they shipped the item, then you need to contact the shipper with the tracking number. UPS, Fed Ex, etc. will normally have insurance to cover items that get lost.
If the merchant doesn’t get back to you, then you should contact the bank that issued your gift card for resolution.
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