I am almost 19 and have never had a boyfriend? {rsstitle}

Question by Scifichic92: I am almost 19 and have never had a boyfriend?
I feel like such a loser! I am almost 19 and have never had a boyfriend. Its sucked to watch everyone in High school date and have fun with boys and I was always the 3rd wheel with my friends. I have tried going online but that just hasn’t worked out. Its hard enough for me to make friends let alone flirt and get a boyfriend.

Best answer:

Answer by JJ Dawgz
most guys just have a problem with making the first move, me included. if you like someone, show interest. initiate a conversation with him. ask him about his day. compliment him and make it known that you have interest in him. if a guy realizes that you’re flirting and making the first move, he’ll do the rest. all you need to do is give him a little shove. rejection is just a scary thing to most

ps; don’t feel bad. dating is not a mandatory thing. you’ll find someone

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4 Comments/Reviews

  • ruby_red says:

    You are not a loser! I am almost 30 and have only had one serious relationship. But I don’t regret it one bit. Let me ask you this: Why do you want a boyfriend so much? Is it just for the sake of having a boyfriend? Do you believe you’ll be “cooler” if you have one and not such a “loser”? If any of this rings true, then your desire to be in a relationship needs to be re-evaluated.

    Trust me, it is NO FUN to settle; I almost did, and could very well be a divorced single mom right now. It’s always better to find the man of your dreams, and if that means waiting a little (or a lot) longer than others, then don’t you think it’s worth it?

  • Honey Bee :) says:

    The right guy is defiantly worth waiting for !
    All you have to do is be patient ! :)

  • dj3ntz says:

    same as jj…. some guys (like me) can be pretty shy and need you to make the first move. try talking to some boys that you know and making it obvious you like them (flirt with them; hugging, tickling, joking, etc) and see if they respond – if they do they like you and go from there

  • Mizz_Cocoa says:

    Trust me, there are tons of girls your age who haven’t started dating. You are definitely not the odd ball you think you are. Actually I didn’t start dating until I was 22, it wasn’t because I wasn’t pretty or sociable it was because I figured I had a lot of self-discovery to do and I had bigger priorities than dating at the time (disabled parents). I also felt that I didn’t have the motivation/energy to give some of my attention to someone else when I could barely juggle the demands of my life. So I would say don’t worry about dating for now and get out more with your friends and do things you enjoy you’re bound to meet people that way. About knowing how to flirt, it’s not a skill people are born with…don’t you know practice makes perfect?? :)
    You also sound like you don’t have confidence, confidence is key never forget that. You need to love yourself before loving someone else or else men won’t treat you too well if you don’t value yourself much. I can tell you from experience, men easily get attracted to a woman who exudes confidence and cherishes herself really well.

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