Q & A: Is it assumes to me that the other girls have done for him? Undeserved anger ..? {} RssTitle
problem by MelisaParsi : Is it assumes to me that the other girls have done for him? Undeserved anger ..? I broke up with me for mois.Il I saw the guy was really, really angry disproportionate rage against me. As far as he dumped me by not showing a date on the weekend. When I asked via SMS, what happened, where he was, he replied that he “call the police if you harass me again.” He said, “Go and be happy anywhere else” (he was allowed to watch and a countdown to today), and then started comes to the police on me again? I sent three full texts – to ask him where he was, as I asked a meal he me, controlled football game on my satellite TV (costs money had cooked cooking, we watched the game together or will be) to and bought his beer (I hate beer and have no use for them). And he was very possessive montrer.Il failed in the months we dated, if it makes a difference. Texts CONSTANT want me, checked my online business and asked why I had not messaged in these moments, etcIl was make me jealous of lengths, tell me about all the women who wanted to work. He said, “it gives you to hear it” Anyway, so apparently texting me to ask where he was, after all my effort and planning (I’d even asked a neighbor to borrow a parking space for him. I do not), it was “worthy of police.” I texted three times, because it ignores the first two. When he answered in the third, it was “I’ll call the police, that’s harassment.” Like what? He then said he changed his number and that all women are bltches and I “confirmed” for lui.Je’ve never seen so beautiful and well-behaved when I went with him. Actually, it was pretty average and I managed the situation.Je’m sure it would end badly anyway, but it seems that he found something on the last stay? I remember our first meeting, my phone rang and he said “oh, more fans, I think.” I met him back then! He asked me, half the price of petrol and parking money, which is fine, I’m all for equality (I insist), but from the first day Best Answer:
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Nobody knows his reasons.it may be in its infancy, was abusing his good verbally.but he ended his things.Just not let alone.you wat someone like that in your life. let to change his number. You have better things to do to get out you.move
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Wow sounds like you should not be using it anyway. You never really know with people like that could harm you. I would just leave him alone, as he has other ongoing problems. You seem to be a good person, you find someone who will treat you so much better because there are people who will. I hope it works for you.