What would you like to ask?Online dating Vs. Traditional Dating lots of responses please? {rsstitle}

Question by Robert: What would you like to ask?Online dating Vs. Traditional Dating lots of responses please?
which do you guys prefer,think is more effective, I just want opinions on the two, tell me what you all think

Best answer:

Answer by suzannem
I think both have their pros and cons. With traditional dating it is likely that you know the person before you go on a date, so the chances of success are likely to be a little bit higher. However you are restricted to just dating the people you know either though work, through friends or people you meet at parties or in bars.

With online dating you have the opportunity to date a whole lot more people than you would normally meet in real life. There is also the advantage that you can use the search facilities of a site to instantly see the type of people you are interested in. For example you can only look for people of a certain age, who live within a short distance from you, who are over a certain height and have hobbies or interest that you share.

Based on all the above, I’d go for online dating :-)

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