America Today … Point 2 .. An important lesson from the economy (1.2.13 @ 6:07) … Point 4 .. Tallahassee used book dealer arrested – Hard as a “malicious” allegations. (19.33 clock, 9th January 2013) …
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America Today … Point 2 .. An important lesson from the economy (1.2.13 @ 6:07) … Point 4 .. Tallahassee used book dealer arrested – Hard as a “malicious” allegations. (19.33 clock, 9th January 2013) …
Picture of marsmet531 In Brave New World, a prophetic novel, published in 1932, before Stalin cleansing and before Hitler came to power in Germany, Huxley described a future, fully inspected in the oppressive and dehumanizing slaves would “love their servitude.” ………. ***** All images are by their respective authors ……………. Item 1) …. The culture of pleasure and addiction copyrighted … … PERSPECTIVE ON NEW Brian Tracy ………. img code …………….. Image … America Today / American … …………………… News | 24 October 2012 | / view / current-events / the-crop-of-ent .. . We have reached a turning point in America today. You can have one of two world views on Americans and America. Can you believe that Americans are a proud, free, self-responsible, independent, creative and pragmatic people, with optimism and confidence in the future and progress always abundant, or you can take a different view and the whole world may believe, that Americans are weak, dependent, unable to take responsibility for themselves, unable to make their own decisions in all areas, including virtually everything they eat, drink and consume, and they need to the control of persons who are to accept them are superior to elected politicians and officials. thousands of ministries these possibilities. Either you are proud, independent and free, or you are weak, dependent and unable to care for themselves. These are represented by the two political parties two worldviews. You can choose the one that best represents your vision of the world and vote for the candidate of the party. But what you voted for, you know what you’re going to get the avance.Après have spent fifty years studying psychology and human nature, I have found that people are neither good nor bad. They are just like that. simply human nature says that people are looking for ways to be the fastest and easiest way to get the things they want to get at the moment, with little interest in the long-term consequences of their actions. This has always been so, and it is the motivator of almost all human behavior. If you boil down the economy in one simple word, it would be “better”. Each person is their life, work, family, health or finances a way to improve somehow, because they enjoy their leisure peuvent.Et people and they seek the best how to get what they want. Because people are impatient, they are looking for the fastest way to get what they want, as well. And because people are motivated by instant gratification, they take up very little concern for the long-term future or for the consequences of their actions. Most people are concerned about the immediate pleasures they enjoy, rather than long-term consequences of what they do or what they should faire.Les people are neither good nor bad. They just fit. This explains much of what is happening in American society and in the world today. As they say, if you throw money on the street, do not be surprised if his people are looking to get. If you offer people free money, money, or very little stress, a number of people will reach for the money. And then more and more people are reaching for the money until he can be a frenzy, each trying to get more money in the fastest and easiest way with minimal effort and little or no interest in the long-term consequences of their comportement.Histoire Authorization of America — This is a very simple and brief explanation of the law and the culture of dependency that has developed in America and throughout the Western world, particularly in Europe.À the 1950s, America has been an explosion of prosperity that has never seen before in the history of mankind experienced. With high tax rates and wealth and increasing prosperity, the government began a huge tax revenues which they quickly developed an irresistible urge to move in all directions and take all kinds of projects. In the mid 50s the entire highway system was developed and under construction, the construction of thousands of miles of new roads and highways crisscrossing the entire pays.Puis in 1965-66, the politicians in Washington have come to the conclusion that with so much potential wealth, poverty could be eliminated completely, and a new age of humanity with wealth and prosperity for all, if someone worked or earned for them can be opened by the laws and regulations of the government. Thus began the “war on poverty” and the massive growth of the state droit.L law does not deserve people with money they have not earned, and it is based. In the 1960s, moving almost all ethnic groups, including African-Americans from the South, up and forward into the middle class, and always their own homes and cars put their children in better schools. Crime rate dropped, illegitimate births declined, prices of welfare and dependency were declining, and more and more new jobs absorbs virtually all members of the labor force, that wanted travailler.Et then came the curse of the law. Governments have begun to offer people money for not working. Tens of thousands of people took to go out and find people and convince them, a government handout instead of working to take to work for the government in a job. Meanwhile, politicians discovered they could buy the votes of the people with their own money. You could tax people with one hand, and they agree to them free money with the other hand and for them in the next élections.Comme James Buchanan, the Nobel Prize-winning economist was, one can tell how a politician can be by simply to the questions that are most popular vote in his constituency in the weeks before the election. Therefore, politicians have no morals, values or principles outside his re-election, and they will say or do what they get back in the office again takes plus.Élections then how will auction, try with politicians, their competitors by offering more free money beat, more and larger constituencies. Soon, national policy, then the policy nationally and locally, began a gradual downward movement. How much money can you offer for free, the number of people to be re-elected? — Steps civilisationComme it happens in the history of mankind, every civilization goes through several phases. It starts as a frontier society, and becomes an agrarian society and industry, and it grows in wealth and opulence and is an entrepreneurial society. There is then a company of industrial services and then, and then it developed so much wealth that politicians think they have enough to give potential voters without the global economy. The company becomes a law and economics of welfare. Like ancient Rome was the most entrepreneurial economy in the world, with the most powerful armies in the world, that time, he eventually turned into an addiction, and a state of well-being, more “concentrated bread and circuses” and free money and entertainment and, finally, Rome had fallen, collapsed and disappeared, to give as a society challenge voters is free money that is enough. If you charge money to vote for you this time, offer in the next election, they say: “What do you want for me to do now” Free money is like a drug, when you need it?. a certain effect. But after a while to get more free money for the same amount of pleasure. This is why people get free government money are never satisfied. They are always grateful. All they want is more free money, and they get angry when they do not get a quick and vote for someone who promises her donner.Toutefois the government has no money clean. The only money the government has money, it contains for the pockets of working people. Even government jobs provide little or no wealth. Government studies show that it takes between three and ten people in the public sector to the same amount of work a person can do in the private sector. And to buy public sector union votes, politicians have increased wages, benefits and pensions of unionized workers in the public sector to the point where they are paid an average of 000 euros per year, while the average American earns 000 an.Non only that, but hundreds of thousands of civil servants government can in their 50s to retirement pension in full based on their last year of work, with all the benefits for themselves and their families for the rest of their life, which can 20 or 25 may be years . Consequently, America is now bankrupt. must trillion and pension benefits for workers who may be repaid without government never promised bankrupt cities, states and eventually the federal government union all the money. Facing réalitésAlors — what is the solution? The solution is to first face the facts. This is to be honest and the situation as it really is. Second we need to begin to make changes to the brink raising the retirement age for the public, lower pensions for them, raising the retirement age for the private sector, and places it on the 401k plans where their retirement income to the health of the economy as ensemble. Depending Bet you did not used to know that almost all politicians retirement plans, golden parachute that is completely independent of what is in the government, have or the economy, complete with a rise in the cost of living and fabulous for the rest of her life and her family life medical services. Politicians have set up so that no matter what happens to the economy, they live the life of fat after leaving the government. This gives them no incentive at all to limit the rights and well-being while they are in power, because when the chickens come home to roost, it will have no impact on their income personnel.Vous a choice. You vote for the continued growth of government, and the continued growth of the rule of law and well-being that leads always and inevitably to national impoverishment and bankruptcy, or you can go for freedom, opportunity and economic growth with a limited government, lower taxes and regulations diminué.Vous vote to go one of two routes down to the light or in the dark. You can go to the national prosperity, hope and opportunity, or down to the national law, the welfare and dependency, the government grows ever more taxes and regulations always pire.Le choice ….. ….. Item 2) …. The American Spectator … … A NEW PERSPECTIVEUne key lesson économiePar Ralph R. REILAND on 1.2.13 @ 6:07 Good intentions and bad results in the endless war against poverty. “If there is a lesson in the history of the idea that good intentions do not say anything about the real consequences,” said Thomas Sowell, an economist at the Hoover Institution of the University Stanford.De also warned the Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman, the mixture of good intentions and big government. “Concentrated power,” he warned, “is not made harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.” French writer Albert Camus (1913-1960) received the Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded in 1957. “The evil that is in the world,” he said, “almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding.” Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), British essayist and novelist, said he was more boldly: “Hell is paved not only with good intentions, it is walled and roofed with them Yes, and furnished too.”. In Brave New World, a prophetic novel, published in 1932, before Stalin’s purges and before Hitler came to power in Germany, Huxley described a future, fully inspected in the oppressive and dehumanizing slaves would “love their servitude.” In the future society of Huxley, a technologically competent and well-intentioned government autonomy and individual freedom with security, dependency, security, and drug-induced happiness replaced provided – plus a wealth of carnal pleasures, one each State under the command of “any decree . ” It is necessary for the implementation of this Brave New World is to say, until in all areas and assigning individuals to the pilot. This is important for the implementation is that the pre-human, are poured, and connected to programme.Lancé 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson’s “unconditional war on poverty in America,” now in its 49th Year, probably could be a role model by the most expensive and longest Thomas Sowell warning that “good intentions do not say anything about the actual consequences.” From 1964 spent to date federal, state and local trillion in the war against poverty – trillion from the federal government and the state governments and billions locales.Dans “The American welfare state: how we spend almost a trillion years to fight poverty – and Failure, “Michael Tanner, director of studies on the health and well-being at the Cato Institute reports that the poverty rate in 2012” increased to 15.1 percent of Americans, the highest level in nearly a decade. “In 2012,” the federal government spend more than $ 8000000000 from at least 126 different programs to fight against poverty, “in addition to” social spending by state and local governments received 4 billion of this figure, “writes Tanner.Sur a per capita basis, about trillion per year “is, for every 610 poor people in America, or 830 per poor family of three” in social spending, says Tanner.En But the Census Bureau says the median household income in the United States fell to 054 in 2011, the last available number by 8 percent from 2007, the year before the recession began. “Social spending significantly during the presidency of George W. Bush and increased exploded under the presidency of Barack Obama,” Tanner said. “In fact, since President Obama took office, federal spending on welfare by 41 percent, more than $ 3 billion per year has increased. Spite of this government generosity, more than 46 million Americans in poverty live on.” Ultimately ” , the poverty rate is dangerous where we started more than 40 years in the vicinity “After trillions of dollars in spending, of course reported Tanner.” we are doing something wrong. “ABOUT AUTEURRalph R. Reiland is B. Kenneth Simon professor of free enterprise and associate professor of economics at Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh …. Point 3a …..) …. youtube video … . A Copland – “Fanfare for the Common Man” … 3:48 minutes 31 Posted July 2011RSO-DRDavies Vienna, Salzburg Festival in 2001 Timps Gerald Fromme, Gerhard WindbacherCatégorieMusiqueLicenceLicence Standard YouTube … Point ….. 3b) …. youtube video … Fanfare for the Common Man – Emerson, Lake & Palmer (Olympic Stadium … 9:49 minutes on January 29 significant 2012Avertissement Posted: music, video and images are copyright their respective owners and are strictly used here on Youtube for educational reasons, and for promotional purposes only Artist Therefore, if You own the copyright to any of these materials and that you do not want to see here, please contact me directly (rather than relating directly to YouTube) and I will remove it as soon as possible Thanks in advance for your understanding of “Works Volume One 1977” (at Montreal Olympic Stadium) – Keith Emerson Yamaha GX1 polyphonic synthesizer – Greg Lake: bass 8 strings-Carl Palmer: percussion, drums “Fanfare for the Common Man” is a work of classic American music of the 20th century, Cincinnati was written by the American composer Aaron Copland The game in 1942 for the symphony. headed Eugene Goossens. was part of a famous speech earlier in the same year in which the Vice President Henry A. Wallace proclaimed the advent was the “century of the common” man inspired. Several cover versions have been made and fragments of work has in many American and British cultural productions such as later appeared in scores of films.La Copland fanfare in 1977 by the British rock band Emerson, Lake used & Palmer on the album Works Volume 1 The track became one of the biggest hits of the group when a revised version was released as a single this year. It reached number 2 in the UK. Keith Emerson has long been an admirer of the American style Copland, previously with Copland Hoedown on the album Trilogy Group 1972.Dans in a BBC radio interview, Copland forwarded its response to the game: “Interviewer: Just before from London, I heard a song of yours, fanfare for the common man, who had been hit by a rock band Emerson, Lake & Palmer How do you feel about Copland feel.? Eh Well, (laughs) Of course it is very flattering to have his music by a group so popular and so good adopted group Emerson, Lake & Palmer. Much depends on what they do, what they take, and of course, since I have a copyright on this material, they are not able to take it without my permission, so that in every case where I gave my consent, it was something I drew the design, they do what I think I allow them to want to release him makes. course, I still prefer my own version better, but (laughs) What they do is really across the room, you say, rather than a literal implementation of the room, and they are a talented group. In this particular case, I let him go, because when she read for the first time, it is easy to play, and when they finish the game, they play very linear. What are they doing in the middle, I do not know exactly how to connect with my music, but (laughs) Somehow I think they are a but the fact that at the beginning and at the end is really the Fanfare for the Common Man gave me the feeling that I allow them to do their guise.Interviewer:. I know your original work is little more than three minutes, and Emerson, Lake & Palmer were able to turn them into a nine minutes.Copland: (laughs) Yeah, well, that the six minutes in the middle is … (laughs) “ / wiki / Emerson _Lake_% 26_Palmer pt / wiki / Emerson _Lake_% 26_Palmer The song is placed here for listening enjoyment seulement.S “Please respect and support the artists by buying their music from commercial DVD and / or CD.Droit copyright belongs to their respective owners CatégorieDivertissementLicenceLicence Standard YouTube … Point ….. 4) …. Tallahassee used book dealer arrested WCTV News … href = “,_Lake_&_Palmer” … / home Posted: Sun 01.05 clock, January 9, 2013 … Reporter: Department of Revenue, Julie Montanaro EmailMise updated: Fri 7:33, January 9, 2013 .. . / home / Title / used-books-Owner-order … January 9, 2013 by Julie Montana Role owners one of the most used books stores fail to Tallahassee was to thousands of dollars in taxes vente.Le owner Paperback Rack defendants arrested this week and charged for embezzlement. A Department of Revenue spokesman says Lisa Wyartt hard it has failed more than 5000 dollars in tax payable from 2010 …. …………………….. img code photo … Lisa Hart Wyartt media.graytvinc. com/images/300 * + 225/Lisa Wyartt-Hart.jpg ….. …………………… Hart as “malicious” allegations. because you are money to the state, but says his company struggling to stay afloat in recent years. “I do not know why they the word” steal “. We fight. The last three years have been really, really hard, “said Wyartt hard.” If I had it, “she said,” would be paid for it. “The Paperback Rack has been in business for over 25 ans.Ministère Revenue output Leon County bookseller Mr. arrêtéLisa Wyartt-Hart, the owner of the paperback racks, an opportunity in Tallahassee, Florida’s bookstore, was arrested on charges that she had more than 000 tax increase they collected from customers, but not to send to the state, the Florida Department of Revenue announced today. Ms. Wyartt-Hart, 45, lives in Tallahassee, was arrested by the Bureau County Sheriff Leon January 8, 2013 under the to report allegations of crimes and offenses related to theft of public money, disregard of six consecutive returns and rejection and pay taxes submit due. If convicted she threatens up to five years in prison and up to 000 in fines and payment of fees and investigative costs. Paperback rack is in 1005 N. Monroe Street is Tallahassee.Selon Revenue Department investigators, Ms. Hart Wyartt taxes collected from customers at his bookstore. however during different start in 2010, during the periods in 2012, did they not send the status of all tax sales, which have been collected or file tax returns as required by law. “It is an honor, the vast majority of businesses in Florida, meet the requirements of the financial administration of the country to serve,” said Stranburg Marshall, Acting Executive Director, Florida Department of Revenue. “For those who do not, it is our duty to uphold the law and ensure honest businesses are not disadvantaged by collecting those who ignore the law or intentionally set and steal. Taxpayer “If you have information about tax crimes, please call the Florida Department of Revenue investigations office in Tallahassee at (850) 922-2671 Note:. Information, the information contained Due to the confidential nature of taxpayer records in general in this press release are only information from the Department of Revenue in this matter. Additional information about the agency arrest and the local office of the court available .. comments posted by viewers like you and do not always reflect the views of this station. Sondel • — Ivan ago 11 heuresJe know Lisa Hart for 18 years. There is no way on earth that they are guilty of what she is charged. Marshall beach castle has reported that taxes have not been paid. I understand that. But to say it is dishonest , or trying to “steal the money of taxpayers is a serious slander. Paperback Rack is not the best bookstore in Tallahassee, it was about more than once in the vicinity of last year, but he was saved by heroic measures by Lisa and her wonderful staff. She is the one at a disadvantage from people of good will. Their warehouse for free put Lisa must buy or trade for the stock. There are days on which the store sells only enough to keep the doors open or to pay part-time workers the minimum wage, I’m sure that every penny collected in good registry back in business – just to open it. Maybe my friend made a mistake. It seems at first glance. But there is a big difference in making a mistake, or in a way that will benefit your employees act independently of himself and called dishonest and a thief. If a person does not pay enough for a year, they are not obliged to income tax, why pay are not equal to a small business? 000 – And we are talking about a small amount, it’s not like she was about to take the money and flee to Belize. The quote my friend’s expensive as some nefarious crooks like Bernie Madoff. Remember, people between 2008 and 2011 paid 26 large U.S. companies no net federal tax despite making billions in profits – General Electric and Verizon. So, let us all in the right perspective. God bless you Lisa – God Save The Paperback Rack …..
The White Mandingo … Point 2 .. – My First White Girl (Official Video) … Section 3 .. Kanye West is a genius or a madman? (September 29, 2013 18.29 clock) – “Where is the culture” ..

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