What are some good love quotes to write in a birthday card for my boyfriend? {rsstitle}

Question by Sweetie: What are some good love quotes to write in a birthday card for my boyfriend?
I need some love quotes to write on my boyfriend’s birthday card. They need to be original

Best answer:

Answer by Steven
lets fuck

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5 Comments/Reviews

  • bEe says:

    If i give you the words, then how is it going to be original ???


    Just write I LOVED YOU – I LOVE YOU and will ALWAYS LOVE YOU

  • kate_stanton says:

    I’ve got a good one: “I love you”
    Lol kidding, maybe: Love is a game that two can play and both win.

  • Harriet says:

    Your boyfriend is the issue, a birthday card is not the issue

  • Ezekiel says:

    Just say what’s in your heart. Say I LOVE YOU!!!!

  • dar lee says:

    They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I figure that’s why my boyfriend moved.

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