What kind of Asian are you? {rsstitle}
This video is part of YouTube’s comedy week and was Co-directed by David Neptune and Ken Tanaka. http://www.everybodydiesbook.com Thanks to Los Angeles YouTu…
You are getting attracted. You think about him/her. You want to be with your object of love. You are showing all the signs of being in love. But is it love? …
i thought this was a quiz -_-
haha in yo face bloody fuk
Yeah, you’re probably right.
I won’t say everyone is from Africa. Everyone started in Africa.. Same shit really. Different birth destination is all.
I’m sorry…I guess….
Well actually some research shows a relation between seratonin ( brain juice ) and melanomin ( skin colour ) . There is some suggestion that skin colour and behavior may be related. White people are white as a result of lack of sunlight over generations and blue eyes were a result of starvation. There is also some suggestion of inter-breeding with Neanderthal, about 3-4%. No I don’t know what it all means and I don’t care. Everyone is from Africa.
Do you even know any Koreans ? Or are you pathetic enough to hate people you don’t even know ?
Well actually every single person on Earth originated in Africa. Everyone.
Isn’t yellow fever a disease spread by mosquitoes…?
And BTW, your rant with OfficialSliverent is very amusing, thank you for providing me entertainment
he looks like mister bean
Where have I seen that guy before?!
i piss in your mouth dog eater
Shit, that hits home – in a great way.
@generalgiapgamer we hate you too
Also never comment on someone’s accent being awesome. My cousin did this recently only to be informed that the person in question had a speech impediment. 😉
Basically there are two races, NE Asian (more mongoloid) and SE Asian (more astroloid). Northern Chinese are NE Asian and Southern Chinese are right in between which I would call E Asian. Koreans are also NE, Japanese are NE/E, Mongolians are NE/Central, Taiwanese are E (like Southern Chinese), Vietnamese are E/SE, Philippines are SE. This sums it up for me but ya, we’re ALL east Asians.
Never say “your English is perfect” until you actually know that the person you’re talking to is from abroad and when (s)he apologises for a language error. Otherwise you’re just making a fool out of yourself. Then it can be used to reassure the person.
the guy in the beginning… lol
What the crap?
i hate koreans
its a comedy so deal with it
stupid americans
where im from its not politically correct to ask that. so they keep it to themselves.. asians ask other asians when theyre envious of their good english and ask out of curiosity not because of racism
God no kidding I’m gonna totally screw with people now