Q & A: one year aniversary gift idea?

edition by Jerry J one year aniversary gift idea So, my girlfriend and I have a pair for almost a year. I make a calendar with 365 “good thoughts.” 365 is a lot, as it turns out. if you could give me compliments, stories, lymerics, everything I put in it, it would be greatly apreciated! Thank you soo much Best Answer:

reply by Dorothy
Departure: http://my-song.ca/s/bdo1 make individual songs Love, I was speechless, it is the most beautiful gift I have ever experienced. The song is completely tailor-made for the recipient, it is HOT! Everything was original and unique. This was the theme. Personalized gifts are always better, they come from the heart. Anyone can go to the mall and pick up a point of sale or a CD account. Best of luck!

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