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how do you get your true love back
What is a vision board?

A vision board is a Visual blueprint of your life!

Do you believe that life just happens to you?

Or do you believe that you are in full control of your destiny.

It is very simple…

YOU envision your success,

YOU focus on your success,


YOU will have your success.

FOCUS is Key!

The only way to stay focussed is to plan.

Your vision board clarifies your dreams and transforms them into reality. It puts you out there by making your dreams visible to you and the world on a daily basis. We spend so much of our lives trying to conform to what other people think we should be. Break through that barrier by putting everything you truly want on your Vision board.

Putting all your dreams and aspirations for your friends and family to see will keep you on the right path every time.

Why a vision board?

All our lives we imagine the things we want to achieve. The person you want to become, the luxuries, the houses, the amazing life experiences you want to have. It is all about taking the invisible and making it real.

A vision board allows you to become your own mentor. A mentor is someone who guides you in the right direction. Who doesn’t let you play the role of the victim and who tells you to stop with the stories to why you can’t have what you want; and to just to pick yourself up and do it.

For example, anytime I feel upset, annoyed, frustrated or angry. I look to my vision board to put me back in perspective and to re-focus. It reminds me of all the good qualities that I envision myself having. And If I’m not living life to my own standards, then I’m lying to myself. And the thought of being a talker instead of a doer changes my state for the better every single time.

Why is it when we focus on something, it almost always happens. The reason is we live life on a conscious and sub-conscious level. Our sub-conscious works under the radar, always looking for ways to achieve our goals and true intentions whether they are good or bad. And our conscious is the higher part of ourselves that focuses on the present moment.

Think of your conscious and sub-conscious as the hardware of a computer. The computer will only perform as well as the software that is installed on it. Now think of the vision board as your empowering software. By reading your vision board out loud.

YOU are programming your conscious and subconscious thoughts with positive, inspirational software.


When you read out loud all the positive things on your vision board, you are programming your conscious and subconscious for success.

You are telling the universe to attract all the good things you want in life and you decide to choose positive energy over negative energy.

You are erasing the negative, disempowering thoughts and feelings from your sub-conscious and replacing them with positive energy.

The Key is to read it OUT LOUD!

If you are afraid that someone is going to hear you, talk even louder! Breaking out of the fear of what other people think will empower you. Seeing and verbalizing what you want plants the seeds and draws your goals closer to you every day.

When does a vision board not work?

When it is so boring and tedious to make, you procrastinate so much that it never gets done. Or you do finish it; but the board is so boring to look at that it does not ignite any drive in you. It is just a bunch of paper cut outs on a cork board.

It does not work when there is no emotional content. We live life through our emotions. The quality of our life is in direct proportion to how we feel on a daily basis. Without powerful quotes or stories to read, the vision board becomes impersonal and boring.

A Board full of materialistic things is not inspirational. A picture is only inspirational when you attach an emotion or story to it.

A vision board does not work when you are uncomfortable displaying it. Most people keep their vision boards in their private office or on the computer so no one else can see it.

Again it comes down to putting yourself out there for the world to see and being proud of your dreams.

A vision board does not work when you do not believe in the power of intention. Changing your negative programming is key. If you believe your life is controlled by other people and life is too hard, it will be!

But if you believe you will live an amazing life, you will!

Ask yourself right now, does your vision board inspire you? Or do you only look at it when you are bored?

If you don’t train to believe in yourself, nothing in this world can help you. It starts with imagining the person you want to become and focusing on it every single day.

Be honest with yourself…

Are you truly happy and fufilled? Or are you sitting and waiting for someone or something to create that for you. Start living the life you want, instead of focusing on what you don’t want.

Create a vision board for yourself as a means to keep focused, motivated and excited about your life. Sometimes we forget how fortunate we are to live in a country with so much opportunity. It saddens me to see people day in and day out unhappy with their life. Complaining and whining about their story to why they can’t achieve.

Give up your story!

Everybody has that negative voice which tells you all these stories and reasons to why you can not have what you want.

No one says you have to listen to that negative voice that holds you back. Yes it is there to protect you, but don’t let it run your life. Be conscious enough to realize that you control your thoughts and reactions.

Use that negative voice and turn it into the fire you need to change. It’s been said so many times, “comfort kills”. When you are comfortable and safe, you stop growing as a person.

Being uncomfortable is exactly where I love to be!

I develop so much faster at anything once I feel uncomfortable. My mind forces me to keep doing whatever it is I am focusing on so that I don’t feel uncomfortable anymore. Once I feel comfortable doing it, I’m on to the next challenge. The whole cycle repeats it self and I begin to develop exponentially.

Step out of the comfort zone and start pursuing your dreams. Sometimes your dreams are totally unreasonable. But whether it makes sense or not, it is something you need to do to be fulfilled. Don’t waste the next 30 years of your life wishing you can have your dreams. Step up and just go for it and live your life with no regrets.

I’m not here to preach to you. But what I want you to realize is how powerful you can be if you focus on yourself and what you truly desire in life. Be courageous and step out of your comfort zone.

Know no matter what happens in the next 30 years; You will look back at your life with no regrets and pass on a legacy which will inspire your family and friends to pursue their own dreams.

All the best

Ron Sombilon

For Vision Board Consultation and rates, contact me directly

RON SOMBILON GALLERY “Passionately Inspired!”

Cell: 604 916 0257

Toll Free: 1 800 385 2301


Child Personal Safety Program …item 2.. Child Safety — by Project YES (June 25, 2013 / 17 Tammuz 5773) …item 3.. How to Communicate with Your Kids (August 14, 2013 / 8 Elul 5773) …
how do you get your true love back
Image by marsmet548
You can access the 32-minute free Child Safety Video here. It contains more details and background information that you may find helpful. You can also find a host of free resources on child safety here including a 3-page introduction to our Child Safety Book by the renowned child safety expert Dr. David Pelcovitz.

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…..item 1)…. Child Personal Safety Program …

… Youth Heartline … … Child Advocacy Program …

"for Hope, Empowerment, Advocacy, Resources and Trust"

Planning is underway for the Child Personal Safety Program (CPSP) to serve other area schools, and even the older elementary school children at those schools.

img code photo … Child Personal Safety Program…


Youth Heartline’s CPSP is unique in the Taos community in that the Talking About Touching curriculum we use for pre-school through third grade is supported by 25 years of research about its effectiveness. We know that children learn best in a safe, trusting environment. The agency that created the TAT curriculum, Committee for Children, is heavily invested in assuring that the curriculum and its instructors establish this safety. Though the fact that child abuse exists in Taos is not a popular topic of conversation, nevertheless it is a reality, and one that actually needs to be directly addressed through education and open community dialogue. It is a fact that the more readily a community confronts child abuse, the more such incidents decline in that community. This is true because secrecy and denial create an environment in which abuse can and does flourish. The worst fact about an atmosphere that fosters child abuse—secrecy—is that the abused child is extremely likely to become an abuser himself or herself.

Prevention of abuse is the most effective way to approach this problem, and the most promising in the effort to end abuse altogether. Addressing this important topic when children are very young increases the likelihood of providing a safe environment for them. But in the end, it is the adults around children who are really responsible for provision of a safe and healthy environment for children. It is our responsibility as a community to be able to talk to each other about child abuse and how we can keep children safe. Child Personal Safety Project supports and informs parents, teachers, and other caretakers in this effort.
Please do your part to participate in this community dialogue.

Your support of the Child Personal Safety Project is of absolute importance. We thank you for the financial assistance that you can provide because you share our belief that education and discussion of the facts are the path to a community that is safe for children.

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…..item 2)…. Child Safety …

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Home » Family » Parenting

Teach your kids how to protect themselves from predators. 3 short videos.

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June 25, 2013 / 17 Tammuz 5773
by Project YES

You can access the 32-minute free Child Safety Video here. It contains more details and background information that you may find helpful. You can also find a host of free resources on child safety here including a 3-page introduction to our Child Safety Book by the renowned child safety expert Dr. David Pelcovitz.

Child safety education really works, so please make sure you take advantage of the protection it offers your kids.

Please pass these links to others. The only way our kids will be safe is when each and every one of them is trained in child safety.

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Click here if you are unable to view these videos.


"Child Safety On-the-Fly #1" by Project YES … YouTube

video: 5:16 minutes … Child Safety On The Fly – Part 1

Karasick Child Safety Initiative

1. No secrets from parents
2. Your body belongs to you
3. Good touch – bad touch
4. No one should make you feel uncomfortable

Predators fear children who:

— Speak with their parents regularly and are involvd in their lives
— Understand their right to personal space
— Understand appropriate and inappropriate touching
— Understand no one is allowed to make them feel uncomfortable

Center For Jewish Family Life and Project YES

Let’s Stay Safe! – Download our read-aloud version!

Our "Keep Our Children Safe" initiative is designed to raise awareness among parents about the importance of speaking to their children about safety and personal space.

Project YES is a Registered charitable 501 (c)3 organization, serving as a valuable resource for parents and children by providing a national Big Sister program to increase our children’s resiliency, an interactive website to address the myriad needs of our families, parenting forums and lectures, education and abuse prevention materials, and referrals for assistance.

For more information about the work of Project YES and to partner with us in our efforst in improving the lives of children and families, please see our website or contact us at:

CFJFL/Project Yes
56 Briarcliff Drive
Monsey, NY 10952
(845)352-7100 ext. 114

Better World Productions


…..item 3)…. How to Communicate with Your Kids …

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The 5 most important nonverbal elements in getting your kids to listen.

img code photo … How to Communicate with Your Kids


August 14, 2013 / 8 Elul 5773
by Rabbi Noach Orlowek

Amazing, isn’t it, the number of times we tell kids things and they just don’t seem to get it. They are our children, and therefore they must be brilliant, good-natured, and wonderful – so why don’t they listen? They seem to be able to listen and "get it" when their friends talk! Is there something wrong?

Yes, there is!

— Words Are Not Enough

I was once approached by a parent who was having problems with his six-year-old. I asked what he had tried before seeing me. He said that he would lecture his child and tell him in no uncertain terms that what he was doing was wrong. I asked him if this had helped when he, the parent, had been a child, and he said that it hadn’t. He also admitted that this approach wasn’t working with his child either. Why continue to do this? I asked. He said he didn’t know what else to do.

Of course we need to talk to our children. We use words all the time, speaking to even very young children, even infants. But we must remember that talking is not the primary way that we communicate our most important messages to our children. Because they are more emotional than adults, children react more readily to nonverbal messages.

This does not mean that we shouldn’t speak to our children. Certainly words are ultimately a primary way of communication, but even verbal communication has strong nonverbal components.

Rav Shlomo Wolbe, z"l, in a remarkable exposition on speech, refers to proper speech as a harp.[1] Just as when someone plays a harp, a combination of many factors give the sound its proper resonance, so effective speech is made up of a combination of the words spoken, the emotion behind the words, and the character of the speaker. The emotions and the character of the speaker are powerful nonverbal components in maximizing the effectiveness of our speech.

If our words carry greater import when the nonverbal parts of speech are utilized in communication between adults, then certainly this is true when we speak to our children. It is important, therefore, to define the nonverbal parts of speech that can give impetus to our words. Let us mention the most important ones.

— Tone of voice

The Talmud tells us[2] that the members of our household accept authority when words are spoken softly. A soft tone of voice suggests self-control, and people are more likely to follow someone who is in control of himself. A person may shout hysterically that he is in control of himself, but the nonverbal message is far more powerful, and it is the one that will leave its mark.

— Eye contact

Rav Yitzchok Hutner, zt"l, tells us that a person’s emotional reality is apparent in his eyes, as the saying goes, "The eyes are the window to the soul."[3] When we make eye contact, we are accessing the deepest recesses of the person. It is for this reason that a look into someone’s eyes is considered an emotional message, whether of love or hatred. Let us make soft, loving eye contact with our children when we speak to them. Not an unrelenting stare, but enough to transmit our nonverbal emotions to them.

— Touch

The Vilna Gaon teaches us[4] that touch is a primary means of transmitting emotion. When touch is coupled with earnest words, it has an enormous effect. Touch is so powerful an emotional tool that the Torah has placed special stress on where and how it can be used. This topic is beyond the scope of this work, but for our purpose, parents certainly need to be aware of the importance of harnessing the power of touch to communicate with their children.

With older children, if there is a strain in the relationship, touch must be used cautiously. It is very personal and could be considered invasive or aggressive if employed by someone to whom the child does not feel close.

— Sincerity

Before speaking with anyone, take the time to feel deeply what you are about to say. This is doubly true with children. This brings to mind the famous saying "Words that come from the heart enter the heart."[5]
Children can sense very quickly how sincere you are. This has to do with your honesty, with how much you believe in what you are saying, and with the degree to which you are prepared to back up your words.

The most eloquent words will be ineffectual if the child senses that you are not really ready to stand behind your words and enforce them or that you do not really believe in what you are saying. In either case, your words will be flouted with impunity; worse, you will be considered a hypocrite in the child’s eyes.

Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt"l,[6] explained that we must be sincere and be true models of what we want our children to be based on God’s demand that we be a holy nation since He is holy. God is saying, so to speak, that I can demand holiness from you, because I Myself am holy.

Yes, sometimes we may fall short from what we aspire to be, but certainly we must be totally in line in our hearts, totally sincere, in what we say to our children. Otherwise, we are teaching them hypocrisy, and we are sure to eventually lose their respect. From there to losing them to the street is but a short step.

— Facial expression

The Prophet tells us that a person’s facial expression is a powerful guide to the emotions that are behind his words. It says, "The face testifies against them."[7] It is no coincidence that the Hebrew word for "face," panim, is related to the Hebrew word penim, "inside," for the face tells us what the person is thinking and feeling.

The Talmud teaches us that it is better to show another person "the white of your teeth" (i.e., give them a smile) than to give him a drink of milk.[8] Rav Avigdor Miller, zt"l, says[9] that this means that even when a person has come in from a long walk on a hot day, and he really needs a drink, a smile does more than a cold, refreshing glass of milk.

Young children are especially sensitive to our facial expressions, and they react to what they see on our faces long before they comprehend what we are saying to them. Children are emotional beings, and the sense of sight touches their emotions before they can even understand the words we’re saying to them.

All this is a powerful argument for paying special attention to the nonverbal components that come with the words we utter.

It is told that Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, zt"l, avoided using a telephone for important conversations.[10] The nonverbal parts of speech that we have mentioned are far more powerful in person than over the phone.

— Other factors

In addition to the five nonverbal elements just mentioned, there are other factors that can affect the success or failure of your communication with your child. They are also nonverbal and deeply influence how your words will be taken. For instance:

… 1. Be conscious of the setting. Our surroundings deeply affect what goes on in our heads. Just as a child is less likely to open up to a principal when he is seated on the other end of a huge mahogany desk than if the principal takes him out for pizza – or at least sits next to him on the same side of the desk – so would a parent do well to pay heed to the surroundings that he chooses when talking to a child.

Not only is the child affected by the location where the conversation is taking place – so is the parent. At home the parent is often distracted and can’t give the child full or continuous attention. This lack of attention is a deep nonverbal message. When a person is given full attention, the respect he is accorded encourages him to express his feelings more freely. If I feel respected, I feel hopeful that my words will be respected, and that encourages me to open up.

Also, the fact that the parent went through the trouble to go to a setting more conducive to communication sends a powerful message to the child. He realizes how important he is to the parent.

Take a child out when you need to speak about something sensitive. Turn off your cell phone; even better, make sure your child sees you turn it off. He needs to see that you consider the time with him important and you don’t want to be disturbed. Try to make the environment as relaxing and nonthreatening as possible. And remember, don’t save these kinds of encounters only for lectures; otherwise, the child will get uneasy just at the suggestion of a "little talk" outside the home.

A nine-year-old stole his aunt’s cell phone and then denied it. His mother, who enjoyed a generally good relationship with her child, drove to a place that was quiet and green. Then she began to cry. When her son asked what was wrong, she said she was hurt he had lied to her. The child, in those calm and beautiful surroundings, apologized and promised never to lie again. There is no question that if there had not been a good relationship in place, the tears and the environment would not have helped, but there is also no doubt that the serene surroundings contributed to an atmosphere that fostered openness and closeness.

… 2. Be calm, focused – and listen! It is important to put other matters out of your mind when you are talking to your child. This helps the child to relax and open up. It also lets you to see matters with more perspective. Thinking about stresses at work will not help you be patient as you discuss a behavioral issue with your child.

Cultivating calmness and focus also helps you be a better listener, which, ironically, is an enormous factor in good communication. The best way to be a good conversationalist is to be a good listener first! Listening is in itself a powerful, vital element in establishing a good relationship with a child. It is part of the effort that we make to show our children that we are trying to understand them. One of the greatest compliments that we can give our children is to make the sincere effort to understand them. Then there is a great hope that they will make the same effort.

— Turning Ideas into Action

Find ways to show your child – nonverbally – that you have heard and respected what he said. A couple of examples of nonverbal messages:

… 1. Ask the child about something she said to you yesterday or, better yet, some time before. It can be an idea the child stated or a worry or any other emotion that the child shared with you. Your remembering what she said sends a powerful nonverbal message that you hear and respect her.

… 2. Repeat to the child what he shared with you and how much you enjoyed or found meaningful what he told you.

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Turning Ideas into Action .. This has been excerpted from Turning Ideas into Action by Rabbi Noach Orlowek, published by ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications. It is one of 32 “mindsets” – short, Torah-based chapters, each dealing with an important aspect of our lives and self-development. Rabbi Orlowek is famed for his parenting classes, and his “Parenting Mindsets” are critical to anyone raising children in today’s fast-paced, often bewildering world.

img code photo … Turning Ideas into Action … Rabbi Noach Orlowek


A respected educator, author and speaker, Rabbi Orlowek taught for 16 years in Aish HaTorah Jerusalem, and is currently mashgiach in Yeshiva Torah Ore, Jerusalem. He is a well-known speaker and counselor, specializing in parenting, personal growth, and interpersonal issues. He is the author of My Child, My Disciple, My Disciple, My Child, Raising Roses among the Thorns, and Turning Ideas into Action.


Pelech HaShetikah V’Hahodayah ("The Art of Silence and Praise"), Elul 5739 (1979).
Gittin 6b; Shabbos 34a.
Rav Hutner cites this well-known aphorism in a letter published in Iggros U’Kesovim 136.
Chiddushei Aggados, Berachos 6a.

This phrase doesn’t appear in the Talmud but seems to be an application of the gemara in Berachos 6b: "Whoever has yiras Shamayim, his words are heard." See Michlol HaMa’amarim V’Hapisgamim (Jerusalem: Mossad HaRav Kook, 1961), vol. 1, p. 502; see also Shirah Yisrael by Rav Moshe Ibn Ezra, p. 156, where this saying appears.
Derash Moshe, Kedoshim, p. 22.
Yeshayahu 3:9.
Kesubos 111b.
Sha’arei Orah, vol. 2, p. 105.
See Guardian of Jerusalem (ArtScroll History Series, 1983).


bondless love
how do you get your true love back
Image by TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³
With all my heart I truly thank you for your words in the Peace photo, and in all the other photos as well. All my gratitude to you.

This xmas for me are a bit odd. I have not expected some things to turn out the way they did, so I am still a bit shocked.

However, as the tale teach us, beyond what happens to you, you have to keep your inner peace, you have to save some shelter inside where to come back when the outside turns gray and windy.

And that "place" of peace you build it in love and hope. Holding on to those beautiful human beings that have shown you the wonders of the world, who have shared with you their love and their tenderness, who have welcome your words and deeds and have let you love them as well.

These are times of thieves breaking into our houses. These are times of uncertainties, of mistrust, of hatter and violence. Times of confusion and actions out from the mainstream of compasion and mercy.

These are times, therefore, to hold on together, to express our feelings, to open our hearts and arms and to give what we´ve got to others.

The beatles said "But in the end the love you get is equal to the love you made." I´ve chossen to make of it the leit motif of my life.

I am not religious at all, but as there are things to learn everywhere, I keep what left me a message. There is the parable in the bible about the miracle of the multiplication of the breads and the fishes. Someone, a special one, have shown me how was I to read the metaphor.

We are not meant to believe that there was a true multiplication of the matterial things mentioned, so everyone that was there with Jesus could have a piece to eat. What this story tell us is that no matter what you have, neither how much you have, when you give it all, truly and entirely, it is always enough. You can feed a multitude, you make the miracle.

The miracle of love.

Merry xmas to you all and your families. Peace.


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