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Feel My Pulse (1928) … FSU News – New app helps the dating scene — for girls (1:31 AM, Jan. 17, 2013 ) …item 3.. “Surrogates” – Official Trailer [HQ] — FEEL WHAT THEY FEEL …
online dating chat examples
Image by marsmet531
Either way, the app has become wildly popular at other universities and has just been released at FSU. I got a chance to Skype with Lulu’s bubbly CEO Alexandra Chong, who gave me some insight as to what the app is really about, how girls can use it to their advantage, and how guys can improve their chances of scoring favorably among the ladies.

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…..item 1)…. FSU News … … New app helps the dating scene — for girls

Lulu lets girls rate guys anonymously and honestly
1:31 AM, Jan. 17, 2013 |

img code photo … Lulu CEO Alexandra Chong…

Lulu CEO Alexandra Chong / Photo courtest of Lulu


Written by
Zachary Goldstein
Content Specialist @creativenole

FSU News…|newswell|text|frontpage|p

Girls talking to girls talking to guys—there’s an app for that. And that app is taking the dating world by storm—for girls at least.

Lulu is the first social networking app that has one simple yet strict requirement for membership: girls only. In essence, it allows girls to rate guys based on certain dating criteria, such as attractiveness and future aspirations. It also allows girls to create reviews of guys that can be, according to the app’s iTunes description, “brutally honest without worrying that it will end up on someone’s Facebook wall or in your crush’s hands.” Whew. Maybe it’s the proverbial payback for the no-girls-allowed boy’s club in the backyard treehouse.

Either way, the app has become wildly popular at other universities and has just been released at FSU. I got a chance to Skype with Lulu’s bubbly CEO Alexandra Chong, who gave me some insight as to what the app is really about, how girls can use it to their advantage, and how guys can improve their chances of scoring favorably among the ladies.

FSView & Florida Flambeau: Thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

Alexandra Chong: You’re welcome, thanks for having me.

FFF: So, how long has Lulu been a thing?

AC: We launched a product last year in London under the name of Luluvise. It was a product that had the social communication aspects of a female-only social network. Lulu is a derivative of that original launch—it’s the most sought-after feature of Luluvise that was originally called WikiDate. We launched it as an app under the name Lulu.

FFF: It’s very unorthodox in its approach to social connectivity—girls only, guys can’t see their ratings. Where did the idea actually come from?

AC: So, it kind of came from my experiences with my girlfriends. We would get together and chat about our love lives, and we would talk about a date we had been on or a review a guy. It was basically the same thing that the app does, but in person or on the phone. The idea was “okay, let’s incorporate that into the app,” and that feature evolved from there.

FFF: Was there a pivotal moment where you thought “Hey, girls need something like this. Society needs something like this.”? Was there a ‘lightbulb moment’?

AC: Yeah, there definitely was. It was valentines day a few years ago in London. I was sitting at a valentines day lunch and there were about thirty other girls who didn’t know each other, and I can only imagine the conversations that started. That was actually the moment—and I remember being a bit tipsy from many glasses of champagne and I called my girlfriend in New York and we began talking about the idea. She’s now the co-founder, Alison Schwartz, and Lulu was born.

FFF: Not to stereotype, but what kind of girls is this app built for? What are the end results—is it a ‘dating app’ or a ‘social app’ or a ‘hook-up app’?

AC: We are starting to see through usage more and more what it is going to turn into. Originally we wanted it to be something fun, not mean or hurtful, or to ruin other people’s reputations—we wanted to allow girls to tap into other girls’ pools of knowledge and for it to become a dating resource. That’s what the creation of Lulu was for, and that’s how it seems to be being used.

FFF: You mentioned creating a space that isn’t hurtful. I know a lot of guys that may feel intimidated by an app like this. I know a few that just shrug it off, but I know some others who take it pretty seriously. What do you think?

AC: We were surprised to see the reactions from guys—they all said “We want to get in.” For every two girls we accept into Lulu, we turn away one guy who is trying to break in—either by creating a fake female account on Facebook or something like that. There’s something there that [the typical guy] really wants to see. Typically, the reaction that we see is that more guys are concerned that they are not on Lulu and not being talked about.

FFF: That’s interesting.

AC: Yeah. The reaction that we are hearing from guys is, “how do I get myself onto Lulu?” That’s the reason that we decided to create LuluDude, which we just launched, which allows guys to essentially claim their profiles and manage their reputations based in indications of what girls are saying about them.

FFF: We’ll talk more about LuluDude in a moment. Let’s go back to idea that more guys are concerned about not being on Lulu than being on Lulu. I know some guys who have been in relationships for several years, way before Lulu was created, who when they broke it off with their girlfriends have been torn apart on Lulu. I know it’s case-by-case, but is there anything stopping one single user from disproportionately affecting a guy’s profile?

AC: I think we have built a structured platform, so the results are not at all biased. We have a feature that allows girls to agree and disagree with particular ratings. We also give girls the option to disagree and create their own review on the gentleman—and of course, LuluDude allows the guy to get an indicator of how they’re doing and certainly to request other girls who they know will give them favorable reviews to up their scores.

FFF: So, LuluDude. From what I understand, it gives guys the chance to bolster their profiles on Lulu. Is that right?

AC: It allows them to put their best face forward. It lets them manage their profile, change their profile picture, add information about themselves in the form of hashtags, tell us what turns them on, tell us what turns them off. Essentially, it lets them talk to their fan base. In Lulu, girls can ‘star’ guys, which basically starts their fan clubs. What we hope is that on LuluDude, guys will eventually be able to communicate with their fan bases. In the future we hope to be able to add a feature that would tell his fan base where he is going to be later that night, for example.

FFF: Speaking of the future, here’s a million-dollar question that a lot of people have expressed interest in: is there any plan in the future for you to release an app that would let guys rate girls?

AC: [Laughs] Haha, there are no immediate plans to let guys review girls.

FFF: The app seems like it could do a lot for the way girls date. That said, with the world of technology moving so fast, how do you plan on keeping the app from being lost among the noise, or being considered ‘trendy’?

AC: We’ve just released this pilot app at FSU now—it’s been live for a few weeks now. We’ve got thousands of girls on the app at the moment, and I think yesterday I saw that there were close to 50,000 reviews on guys. So there are lots of really early positive signs for being live for just a month. It’s still early to say what is really going to happen, but we plan on rolling out to another 20 plus schools over the rest of January and we have agents on campuses to help that initiative.

FFF: Lulu gets lots of points for being original in the dating world. Any plans to create any other apps on the back or front burner?

AC: As of now, Lulu and LuluDude are the core products that we are going to focus on. Lulu was built for girls, and guys were really an afterthought as we saw how much interest they were showing. We certainly have a lot of features and more enhanced capabilities for girls to discover guys on Lulu and, at one point, connect with them.

FFF: To end things on a light note, if you were stuck on a desert island with one movie, one cocktail, and access to one website that’s not Google, what would they be?

AC: Definitely a Moscow Mule, since its my favorite drink. Can’t be Google—I’ll say Facebook. And one movie? The Sound of Music. Definitely one of my favorites.

FFF: Awesome. Thanks so much for your time.

AC: Thanks for talking with me.
…..item 2)…. youtube video … Youtube Mix … Tom Petty – Runnin’ down a Dream – Lyrics …

4:21 minutes …


Uploaded on Jan 23, 2010
Other Song from Guitar Hero 5: Tom Petty – Runnin’ down a Dream with Lyrics. Have fun.


Standard YouTube License
…..item 3)…. youtube video … "Surrogates" – Official Trailer [HQ] … 2:32 minutes …


Uploaded on Jun 9, 2009

Starring Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell, Rosamund Pike, James Francis Ginty, Boris Kodjoe and Ving Rhames

FBI agents (BRUCE WILLIS and RADHA MITCHELL) investigate the mysterious murder of a college student linked to the man who helped create a high-tech surrogate phenomenon that allows people to purchase unflawed robotic versions of themselves – fit, good looking remotely controlled machines that ultimately assume their life roles – enabling people to experience life vicariously from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The murder spawns a quest for answers: in a world of masks, whos real and who can you trust?

Film & Animation

Standard YouTube License

Cool Toys Pic of the day – Two More Google Plus Tools
online dating chat examples
Image by rosefirerising
I promise, I’ll switch topics after this. No more G+ for a while, even
though I’m preparing a presentation on it. My two tools today are
Social Statistics and Google Shared Calendar Events.

Social Statistics:

I mentioned Social Statistics in the blogpost on Google+ Ripples for
its ability to single out high-performing posts or links, through the
number of pluses or shares.

Social Statistics: Top Posts: Shares:

It does more, of course. You can find out who are the top ranked most
popular 100 people (screenshot shown for 10:30PM February 20, 2012).

Social Statistics: Top Folk: Cloud View:

You can click through and get statistics for the same folk. Or, you
can get your metrics, find out how popular your content is, and how
that compares with Britney Spears or Lady Gaga, for example. Or you
may decide you don’t really want to know. Still, it is useful for
tracking what you are doing over time, and most social media pros I
know are all about the metrics.

Google+ Shared Calendar Events:…

Google+ Shared Calendar Events seems to focus on Live On-Air Hangouts
along with some Public Hangouts. Ever wanted to be on camera? Nows
your chance. Fox News seems to have public hangouts on air most days,
along with a bunch of other news agencies and some talk shows.

There are also today web-only shows; opportunities to chat with Google
engineers about their product development process and forthcoming
changes; a class on photography; and various types of educational
content. There are even THREE shows on astronomy and outer space,
including a chance to talk with ASTRONAUT Ron Garan. Don’t mind me,
I’m an outer space groupie. Looking ahead, there are some car races
and music concerts, tutorials and star gazing, Disney fans and game
reviews and game shows. Online Dating Show anyone? Vaginal Fantasy
Book Discussion? Now there’s a word I never imagined being included in
one of my blogposts.

Perhaps the best part is that not only can you browse other people’s
events, but you can add your event, and recruit fascinating people to
chat on the topic of importance to you. Great tool, great resource.

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